
Mauthausen Committee Austria

The Mauthausen Committee (MKÖ) was founded in 1997 by the Austrian Union Federation and the Bishops’ Conference of the Roman Catholic Church with the Federation of the Austrian Jewish Communities as partner in the form of an organisation to continue the work of the Austrian Camp Community. In 2000 the MKÖ was officially designated the successor orgainsation of the Austrian Camp Community. The MKÖ is responsible for the preserving and continuing the legacy of the former concentration prisoners.

Upholding the memory of victims of Nazi crimes, particularly those committed in Mauthausen Concentration Camp and its sub-camps, as well engaging in anti-racism and anti-fascism work, particularly with young people are the main tasks of the MKÖ.

Liberation and Memorial Events

The MKÖ organised the annual memorial events that take place around the anniversary of the liberation of Mauthausen Concentration Camp, events which attract 1000s of people each year from across Europe. With more than 60 memorial and commemoration events taking place each year at the former sub-camps and other places of Nazi terror, an impressive stand is taken for "never again".

Festival of Joy

The MKÖ has organised the Festival of Joy since 2013, in cooperation with the Austrian Jewish Community, the Verein GEDENKDIENST, the Documentation Archive of the Austrian Resistance as well as the Austrian Government and the City of Vienna. The Festival of Joy, held each year on May 8th on Vienna’s Heldenplatz, celebrates the liberation from the National Socialist regime.

Work with young people

The MKÖ has carried out numerous projects over the years, especially with young people, and in cooperation with various partner organisations. Through the programmes for young people, the MKÖ has been able to reach more than 84,000 young people and communicate not only historical knowledge, but also inform them about values such as human rights, free democratic society, anti-racism, anti-fascism and more.

articularly for the groups who are guided through the sites of former concentration camps and sub-camps of Mauthausen we concentrate not only on the darkest and most drastic aspects of this history, but look at the importance of the historical events for today and the lives of the young individuals. This work is more pronounced in the anti-racism strategic game "Miramax" and the workshops we hold on civil courage.

In autumn 2016 the guided tours as part of the educational programme "denkmalwien" (memorial vienna) will begin. The tours will look at different aspects such as "we are heroes!", "Republic and Democracy", "Us and the ‘others’" and "What is Austria?". The historical focus will be on the history of the Republic as well as the Nazi period with a strong link to contemporary society and events.


As well as projects about the history of Mauthausen Concentration Camp and its sub-camps, the MKÖ hosts regular international symposia aimed at introducing the topics to an non-academic audience.


The publication series "edition mauthausen" is dedicated in the first instance to investigating historical events and particularly the people at the centre of history of Mauthausen.

Cultural Events

We have a range of cultural events that are aimed at making the new perspectives on the history and relevance of Mauthausen Concentration Camp accessible to a wide public.

The aims of the MKÖ

The MKÖ stands for a free, democratic society and the protection of human rights for all, independent from and regardless of citizenship, political views and religion. It is particularly concerned with the protection of ethnic minority groups. The MKÖ stands decidedly against all forms of fascism, racism, right-wing extremism, chauvinism and anti-Semitism.

The MKÖ is concerned with the upkeep and scientific and pedagogical maintenance of the former concentration camp Mauthausen and its satellite camps. The MKÖ is a non-profit organisation, which is engaged in politically unbiased activities.


Willi Mernyi - Chairman
Christa Bauer, MAS - Executive director

Mauthausen Komitee Österreich
Obere Donaustraße 97-99/4/5, 1020 Wien
Tel: +43 / (0)1 / 212 83 33
Fax: +43 / (0)1 / 212 83 33-89